RTI Information


Section 4(1)(b) of ARTI Acto 2005 Covers the Statutory declaration of DAV Mahila College, Katrasgarh Website, it Covers all the rules and regulations Which are implemented by Govt. of Jharkhand.Our college is a “College of Women education” Which is registered under society act by Govt. of Jharkhand. and affiliated to Vinoba Bhave University , Hazaribagh, Jharkhand.The college has a Governing body Which is approved by the authority appointed by Vinoba Bhave University Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, it runs as per rules and regulations made by the University from time to time. The cell of the institution is under Statutory Bodies and comes under section 4(1)(b) of RTI act 2005. The applications under the RIT Act along With a postal order/demand draft for Rs.10.00 obtained in favour of Principal. DAV Mahila college , Katrasgarh , Dhanbad may be sent to the public Information Officer (PIO) or handed over in his office.All information about the college under section 4(1)(b) of RTI Act 2005 are open for the public and it can be obtained by a citizen on india.
Now college runs under Binod Bihari Mahto Koylanchal University,Dhanbad.

Dr Amit Mohan Roy
Assistant Professor
Contact: 8409534142
E-Mail Id: amitfcc.dnb@gmail.com
Dr Usha sinha
Assistant Professor
Contact: 8210369354
E-Mail Id: sinhaushadhn@gmail.com